lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2008

No one has a better learning style than anyone else and everyone has a mix of them. By understanding the personal learning styles of our students, we can help them to prevent frustrations, to have more tools to learn, to to face situations that are not oriented towards their learning style and to improve their quality of learning.
Using multiple learning styles and multiple intelligences for learning is a relatively new approach that educators have started to recognize.
By applying these two aspects in the classroom you will provide opportunities for authentic learning based on your students' needs, interests and talents and they will be able to demonstrate and share their strengths.
It is true that take into account the learning styles and the multiple intelligences can improve our work and the students' work, but it is also true that in the real world, and real time, these theories are not applicable in the classroom with more than 20 students. Is it possible to adapt your teaching to suit each learning style of such a group? I don't think so. If you have a small group of students, ok, implement these theories and improve your teaching. But if that is not your case, your misson is to help students to be aware of their own learning styles, their strengths and their weaknesses; and also to make them understand that they should open their minds to different learning styles instead of only one.

2 comentarios:

Andrés dijo...

I agree with you and feel the same constraints as teacher. However, don't generalize your examples, make them clear and explicit: for instance, if you say it (MI and Learning Styles) isn't suitable for more than twenty students give a concrete example; and then, how, you as teacher, would make it work out for such amount of learners.

Maria Isabel dijo...

Good points! As teachers, I think, we have to avoid frustration and take into account those other affective variables like distress, anxiety, confidence, self-esteem, etc. to perform better classes and contribute to improve the Colombian educational system. So, by knowing deeply our students we can do that, or at least sow the seed for new learners and citizens in the future.